Montana is known for its whimsical roadside antiquing. It's one of the reasons why I love to vacation there. That and its heart-stopping beauty (of course). Last summer I came across this old train station that was turned into the most amazing and inspiring antique shops I've been to. I spent hours there, just looking, and getting all giddy inside. She sells everything from antiques, up-cycled home decor, handmade jewelry, for the garden, and more.
I approached the shop owner, Colette Gross and asked if she would mind if I took some pictures. She was so welcoming and such a delight to talk to. She had so much to talk about and share with me. I, myself sometimes daydream about opening up a store, so it was really nice to get her feedback on the amount of time and energy it takes to run a business. Not only is she the owner and operator of this shop, she also holds seminars for women on how to become a successful entrepreneur. This woman is so full of life, energy, knowledge, and inspiration, it's off the hook! And she has a really kick @$$ shop. I just love her spirit.
Visit her website at and "like" her page on
facebook. If you are ever near Columbia Falls, this shop is a must!
I bought a huge globe from her for my collection. But now that I'm
looking back at these pictures, I'm regretting not buying more (tear). I
WANT the Hot Springs sign! So cool. And I Love the typewriting quote
on "Love". So very true.