
Kicking Off The Holidays - Christmas Tree Hunting

This was so much fun!  Although, finding the perfect size and shape was a bigger challenge than I expected.  I loved driving out to the country while listening to Christmas music and trudging off into the forest to find our perfectly imperfect tree.  Checklist for tree hunting:  bundled kids, a willingness to listen to some complaining from kids but mostly from husband (ha ha), a saw, a sleigh to pull the tree, tie-downs, permit and map, snacks, hot chocolate, and some Christmas tunes.

Our tree is up and all decorated in shiny brights and twinkling lights.  While the scent of freshly cut spruce fills the air, I reminisce of the fun we had out in the forest in search of the this monument that would bring the Spirit of Christmas into our home.  Let the Festivities begin!

You can purchase a permit through Alberta SRD or the Junior Forest Warden Association.  Only $5 for 3 trees.  Happy tree hunting!

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