
20 Ways To Celebrate The Spring Equinox

Not sure about you, but outside my window is a freaking blizzard!  So I was trying to come up with ways to celebrate the long anticipated arrival of spring.  For me this is truly reason to celebrate after such a long and cold winter.

1. Do 108 Sun Salutations or just watch the sunrise with a cup of coffee.
2. Meditate.
3. Buy fresh flowers for the home.
4. Make a terrarium.
5. De-clutter your home.
6. Fill up or buy a bird feeder.
7. Decorate or put out eggs to symbolize the circle of life and new beginnings.
8. Make paper flowers out of old books, newspaper, or tissue paper.
9. Start a gratitude journal.
10. Set some personal goals, write them down, and watch them come to life.
11. Throw on a spring colored table cloth on your kitchen table. Don't forget to add the fresh flowers!
12. Replace old couch cushions with bright and happy spring colored ones.
13 Throw on some happy music, turn up the volume, and dance.
14. Smudge your home to rid of negative energies and to attract positive ones.
15. Buy a new plant to help purify the air in your home or plant some seeds and watch them grow.
16. Develop those images that you've been procrastinating doing and put them into frames.
17. Call a friend or family member that you've been thinking about.
18. Do something nice for someone.
19. Fill a bath with flower petals and essential oils and don't get out until you're darn good and ready!
20. Feel and give gratitude for this beautiful Earth, the change of season, and all your blessings - big and small.

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